About Glenn

I was saved at an early age and taught to love and serve the Lord. I was called to preach as a teenager, and had a godly family and pastor who encouraged me to prepare for the ministry.
After my training at Ambassador Baptist College, I entered the ministry of full-time evangelism. Over the last fifteen years I have had the joy of preaching numerous revival meetings, teen meetings, and teen camps in the United States and other countries, including Romania, China, Japan, the Philippines, Canada, Trinidad/Tobago, and most recently, Russia.
My family and I travel full-time to declare the Word of God for the purpose of revival and evangelism in churches wherever God leads.
About Katie
When I was nine years old I fully understood my need for Christ and I placed my trust in Him, and Him alone, to save me. A few years later, I surrendered my life to Christ for whatever He wanted. It was at that point that the Lord clearly put it on my heart that He wanted me to marry a preacher and help him with ministry and music. What the Lord put on my heart that day stayed with me until I married “that preacher”.
After graduating from college, the Lord then led me to the Bill Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, TN. While serving there, I was asked to travel with an evangelist and his family for a season. During those two years, the Lord taught me so much about Biblical revival, traveling in an RV, and much more. Little did I know God was using that time in my life to prepare me for being an evangelist’s wife! It was also during that time that God allowed me to cross paths with Glenn in a revival meeting. It is certainly wonderful to see God’s plan unfold in HIS timing!
Some might ask “How do you like living in an RV full time?” Well, let me tell you I LOVE it! It is SO special and refreshing to have the comforts of home all the time, even when we are in unfamiliar places. Sure, there are days when it seems very small. And, there are certainly a lot of adjustments to make from home-living to RV-living; but, when the Lord directs you somewhere, He always provides the grace for living there. I would not give up this wonderful life of seeing God work, people saved, lives changed, as well as enjoying the exciting adventures of travel!
About the Girls

Hello! We are the Stevenson girls – Audrey & Julianna (JJ). Our favorite thing to do is make new friends. The hardest part is saying goodbye! We LOVE travel days, whether we are reading, looking out the window, listening to Patch the Pirate, playing quietly, or asking for snacks…often. We are best friends and don’t like to be separated for long. Our favorite colors? Pink and sparkle! (That’s a color right?) When you meet us, you will find that we are on the smaller side. But that’s ok, God made us “travel-size” (and “fun-size” too)! We can’t wait to meet you when we come to your church!