And Yet You’re Sinning Still

When Moses led his people from Egypt's sunny plain, From bondage sore and grievous, from hardship, toil, and pain, They soon began to murmur against the sovereign will; Forgetting God's deliverance, we find them sinning still. When Moses on the…

Keep About Your Work

Keep About Your Work by Dr. Ernest Childs Many years ago, I came across a tract with the above title that has helped me to keep from being side-tracked from the ministry to which God has called me. Since there…

The Extreme Dangers of Calvinism

The Fruits of Calvinism by Dr. Ron Comfort To download this article in PDF format click here. Colossians 2:8  “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the…

Is the ‘Evangelist’ Biblical?

Is the Ministry of the Evangelist a Valid Biblical Ministry? by Dr. Ron Comfort To download this article in PDF format click here If you are taking the time to read this article, you have already guessed my conclusion, knowing…