As a mom of young children, I often have a few loads to carry. On a typical Sunday, we carry a diaper bag, a bag for music and Bibles, and at this moment our youngest daughter. If the load is not divided up, carrying all three is a real challenge! If my husband is not around, I am only able to carry all three for a limited time before resting or readjusting the weight. When I see my husband, I transfer those weights to him and my body breathes a sigh of relief! Carrying heavy loads is not normal. It is something we pack and pick up because we think we need it. We are not born with backpacks on our backs. Carrying loads spiritually is not normal either.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
God did not design for us to carry loads. He beseeches us to take them to Him.
Psalm 55:22 says “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
If God wants us to give Him our burdens, what does that look like in my daily life? How do I apply this Biblical principle? Let’s break down this verse to get a deeper look.
1. “Cast thy burden upon the LORD.”
The word “cast” means “to throw down or away.” I am to fling it away from me. It is to not weigh me down anywhere. This “cast” is not to make light of our trials or to neglect taking action when needed. But it is saying that God is to carry the weight of it. I am to transfer my load to Another. I can follow behind the One who will carry all the loads. Casting my burden does not mean “forget about it”, but rather rest in Him to carry the load. He is trustworthy to handle every burden. I have often found that this casting takes place repeatedly for me. I might cast it, but then I run after it to pick it back up. Casting your burden may mean repetitive action. As soon as you realize you picked your burden back up, cast it on Him again. Keep casting it back until you no longer run after it.
2. “(H)e shall sustain thee.”
I always overlooked this word, but the Lord recently showed me an amazing truth. The word “sustain” means to “feed” or “nourish.” When I cast my burden on God, He will keep me nourished and strengthened in my trial, no matter the difficulty level. He provides the sustenance I need to continue for Him. This is a conditional promise though. To be strengthened with God’s nourishment, I must first cast my burden on Him.
3. “(H)e shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
God will not allow me to be moved. What does that word “moved” mean? It means “to waver..fall..slip.” I believe in context with the word “sustain” or “feed,” it implies, I won’t faint! When I cast my burden on God, He will nourish me so that I will not faint in my trial. But the important principle to note is that this is a conditional promise. For example, have you ever seen a Christian so crushed by a trial that they stopped serving God, dropped out of church, or refused help? They did not cast down their burden, they did not transfer the weight of their trial onto the One Who wants it.
Have you faced a heavy burden lately? We all do at times. What will you do with your burden? You have a choice: Give it to God and receive His strength or Keep your load and be crushed by it.