January – February 2014 Ministry Update
Truly, God has done ‘Great Things’ during the past few months! I started off the year preaching atWildwood Christian Retreat’s teen winter camp in Tunnelton, West Virginia. What a joy it was to preach once again on this mountain top, and to see many teens eager to hear from God. Some of the groups drove from as far away as South Carolina for the three-day retreat.
While there were many decisions, confession of sin, and both victory and surrender during the retreat, there was one young man who seemed to continue to harden his heart to the things of the Lord throughout the retreat. I had the opportunity to speak to him several times about his need for cleansing and victory through Christ, but he continued to resist, saying he would rather keep the sin than get right with God. He did tell me, however, that he would call me if and when he ever decided to deal with his sin. Last week, after two months of prayer, this young man called me to let me know God had continued to deal with him since the retreat, and that he had confessed several areas of sin and found cleansing through Christ. God is still working!
After the teen camp in West Virginia, I drove to Carolinas for several Sunday meetings in the Charlotte area, and then on to Pennsylvania for another teen winter camp, this time with Servant’s Heart Camp Ministry. This was my second time to be with Servant’s Heart and it was a thrill to see several young people who were continuing in the things that they had learned after surrendering to the Lord two summers ago.
Again, there were many good decisions, but there were also many who continued to resist the Holy Spirit’s working. One young lady made it very clear at the beginning of the camp that she was ‘only there to have fun,’ but during the testimony time following the preaching, she said, “I learned to take my hands off of my life and let God do whatever He wants.” I would appreciate your prayers for all those who made decisions to follow Christ, and for several other young people who told me specifically that God was dealing with them about surrender, but they were not ready to let God have control.
Since the teen camp in Pennsylvania, I have had the joy of preaching both in Charlotte and Salisbury, North Carolina, and was also able to spend a few weeks at my home church in West Virginia. God has been working, and I am excited about seeing more of the ‘Great Things’ He has in store for this year.
I truly appreciate your continued encouragement and prayers for me and the ministry to which God has called me. May the Lord richly bless you.
Glenn Stevenson, 2Tim 2:4
- Many decisions made for Christ in the past 2 months
- Safety over several hundred miles already this year
- Several more meetings scheduled for 2014
- The prayers and encouragement of God’s people
- Upcoming meetings and the 2014 schedule
- Wisdom regarding upcoming trailer purchase
- The possibility of recording a second music CD
- Mission trip location for the end of this year