March – April 2014 Ministry Update
March and April have been filled with countless victories and specific answers to prayer. God’s faithfulness, provision, and power have been seen in so many ways, whether it be in the provision of a travel trailer, seeing several souls come to Christ, or many victories won through Jesus Christ. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).
At the beginning of March, I had the joy of preaching a meeting at my home church. This particular meeting was a Sunday, Wednesday, and a three night youth event. The week was geared specifically as an evangelistic outreach to the teens in the surrounding areas. Each night began with competition and ended with the preaching of God’s Word. Much prayer and preparation had gone into the event before I arrived, and it was evident that God had already begun to work. There were over 52 different contacts from the community, not including the various church youth groups in attendance! Many responded to the simplicity of the Gospel and nine trusted Christ for salvation from their sin. This is VICTORY!
Throughout the week Satan tried to discourage God’s people from the work of the Lord. But, Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). One such discouragement involved the weather, and even in this God worked! The forecast called for severe rain and thunderstorms. On the first night the severe rain turned out to be only a light rain – VICTORY!
When I walked out on the second night, the weather looked very bad. Knowing that the forecast could have a great impact on the attendance and program (which was geared toward creating a preaching atmosphere), I prayed God’s will be done but claimed Nahum 1:3, The LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet. It was then that literally the clouds rolled away. And it was only when the competition had finished, and the last individual had entered the building that the rain began to fall once again. God had stilled the storm and given a giant field of mud for a great night of competition. Once again, God showed VICTORY!
After closing the meeting in West Virginia, I drove to Lighthouse Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. What a joy it was to be with these dear people and to watch the Lord work. Several teens surrendered, and as they put it, “to God’s will rather than their own” – VICTORY. Several individuals also told me that God dealt with them about seeing their sin and selfishness, whether it be in their job or marriage. They called it what God called it, took God’s side, and claimed His promised forgiveness. This cleansing is truly VICTORY through Christ.
When I sent my last update, I had two weeks still open in April and, as always, God filled the schedule! During these two weeks, I had the privilege of serving with Evangelist Chris Miller and the Faith for Revival ministry. While with this solid revival ministry, I had the joy of preaching in the Christian high school out of First Baptist Church of LaSalle, Illinois. It was during this week that countless victories were won! After preaching on the need to deal with sin God’s way and uncover it to those who deserve to know, one young man told me he knew he needed to uncover his sin to his parents, but said he also knew he would face severe consequences. After looking at Proverbs 28:13 (He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy), he went on his way fearful, but believing God would give grace. The next day he found me first thing and said, “I told them [his parents] everything…and they had mercy.” This was VICTORY!
God also dealt in the hearts of two young ladies. While on an afternoon jog, one told the other how wonderful it was to be free from the guilt of sin after uncovering her sin to her parents only hours earlier. The second young lady, who was still under heavy conviction, went home afterwards, and after hearing her friend had claimed grace and been set free from the guilt, she uncovered everything to her parents. Both young ladies told me later, “The Bible truths really work!” This again, is VICTORY, and it is without question a promised, personal privilege offered through Christ to every believer who will simply trust Him for it!
I truly appreciate your continued encouragement and prayers. May the Lord richly bless you all.
Your servant for the cause of Christ, and, All for His glory,
Glenn Stevenson, 2Tim 2:4
- Many salvation and revival decisions made for Christ
- Several unexpected preaching engagements
- God’s amazing provision of a travel trailer
- Upcoming meetings and safety in travel
- The possibility of recording a second music CD
- Mission trip details for the end of this year